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Bill K

"Whatever happens... Believe in you, believe in life, believe in tomorrow, believe in everything you do,
any time. "

"I will wait for love to fly to me and teach me how to fly "

- Bill Kaulitz

Rette Mich
and I couldn't live life any other way

Leb' die Sekunde, Hier und jetzte, Halt sie fest...
- Tokio Hotel , Leb' die Sekunde


Name: By Your Side
Designer: KraUjaGysLea
Editor: celinelx

Music Playlist at MixPod.com

Monday, June 7, 2010

Exams are in a sense of the word, HORRIBLE.

I, personally hate it with a passion for robbing me off my precious sleep and making my already permanent eyebags bigger and blacker and it doesn't even resemble a panda because panda's are way cuter.

Anyways this blog is so dead. I haven't even visited my own blog for half a year ==.

And my exam marks totally sucked this time. Lets see. i friggin hate Geo. Pressure is killing me. Just because i panicked at that stupid equinox question i blanked out for the rest and that was why i got 73 =.= even after 4 hours sleep and hot chocolate at starbucks in the morning. Going to starbucks is the only nice thing about my Thursdays other than math tuition which i actually enjoy. I love geometrical construction =D

And i'm too lazy plus my arms ache from piano. I hate piano. Or my teacher at least.

Monday, March 15, 2010

OK, all the pictures are below coz i am wayyyy too lazy to do it properly and update and all that, so yeah.



And i think i wasted the most money yesterday =.=

Anyways, umm.. i'm way too lazy to really update i guess. We watched Remember Me because Alice In Wonderland was booked full... and Robert Pattinson actually looked okay in a few scenes but i'm pretty sure no one's gonna tell Brenda that...

He looked like he was having some kind of a spastic attack actually.

And he got beat up by the old guy and his pick up line was actually.... really really really odd. If i were the girl i'd say "bugger off. the asshole is you " =.=

Ugh. I had piano tuition so go figure. No wonder i'm in a bad mood. Dearest Kelly is going to climb Mount Kinabalu. Maybe she'll love it so much she'll decide to become a monk or something! Not like she doesn't have the money to retire. She shops at Esprit too and she bought the okay in red Fossil leather messenger bag. But she bought it in BROWN. Which just shows what kind of taste she has. Actually she dresses quite nicely. Except for when she goes to the gym before coming for my class and she's just wearing a shirt and sweatpants..

Oh well. I'm probably gonna fail my practical exams but... long nails are making it hard for me to type and play piano so i am going to stop blogging since reminescing about yesterday won't make tomorrow any better.


Sunday, March 7, 2010

Please, someone tell me this isn't happening. All those fans out there, we deserve something more. All the tears shed and prayers uttered and our hands clasped together, supporting you guys all the way on this bumpy road... It just feels like it can't stop there.

My Chemical Romance. A band unlike no other, the one and only. When Matt left i'm sure it was hard, but it was his lost, he lost out on the fame and everything this band stands for in our hearts. Bob, why is this happening?!? If it has to do with your wrist problems we all understand.

Why do bad things happen one after another? MCR is a family. One that will live on and on because of all the love and care and hope and faith. All of you... Gee, Mikey, Frank, Ray and Bob.

The drummer. How will it go on?

Like in Welcome To The Black Parade- We'll carry on, we'll carry on

I know we'll all carry on, one day, sooner or later. But i just wish i could just be there, to know what happened so it would be easier for me to take it all in. How could this possibly happen? Someone please, please tell me this is some weird joke.

MCR is what brought me to the world of rock music. The first band ever whose song, Helena just captured me. The MV.. I was like, wow. I love it. These people are crazy. And just like that...

I guess fans have to grow along with the bands. The fact that Bob Bryar, one of my favourite drummers is now gone... not gone. Just not being a part of the band anymore. It's like time is passing by, surreal. Like every second stops, and i can see it happening before me. Things are changing, and everyday, we lose a day of this time we've been given. I want to make something out of this life i call mine. And MCR has set the perfect example to everyone out there.

Never give up and hold on to your dreams. It doesn't matter what other people think, don't ever let anyone tell you what to do, or tell you who you are. So many things that make me myself come from being a fan of MCR.

Where ever this road takes this band, even if you end up splitting, i'll always be a fan. Forever and ever. If all the long fans of Nirvana could take his death, then who am i to say this is all over for me?

Just keep all the feelings that MCR with Bob in it has brought, keep them close and cherish those memories.

And this is when i realise, i will never ever get to see MCR with Bob in it perform life. Ever. You brought me to tears just watching The Black Parade Is Dead and now... Watching you live feels so so far away now.

I will always, always be there to support MCR though everything. Everything. OMGee, i can;t believe it. Just crying freely now because it will never be the same again. Bob was and always will be part of MCR in my heart.

He isn't a traitor or anything. I just hope i, and all those faithful fans out there get a proper explanation, that these tars i shed are not for nothing.

And if someone out there can hear me, i wish all the best to Bob Bryar and the rest of My Chemical Romance.

Fans have to grow with the band, and now, i'll become stronger with the band too. This is tough on everyone. And lets just all hope for the best.

We'll carry on.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Words can't explain how much I love you. And as you know,I am too lazy to write a song for you like how you did on my birthday *awwww*. But that doesn't mean I don't love you like they way you love me *omg this sounds so wrong but whatever*. So I'm just gonna paste the song you wrote for ME to show other people how amazing you are. :D

Happy Birthday,Adeline
I never found a friend that was so true
Just to let you know i'm talking about you o-o-o-

You want to be free
But can't you see
That you can't fly without me


You're the sun in my sky
When it goes dark
You're the one who hangs back
To make me laugh

Everytime i turn around
I know i'll see you
Then i know i'm found
I know that its true

So happy birthday

To you...

p/s I kinda name the title myself. Since YOU didn't name it. Simple and sweet. :D

Tuesday, February 16, 2010







IF NOT, ROT IN HELL (smiles sweetly)


2 hours 43 minutes and counting.....

Sunday, February 14, 2010

OK, this is blog is like sooooo dead. Well, i plan on changing the skin and all but i'll only do that when i'm not say, in Kota Bharu in Kelantan on the free 24/7 wi-fi they have here that is really quite quite slow.

ANYWAYS The thing is.. why, after 3 years of not seeing you, you have to just insult me in a language i barely understand?? Sure i say i understand Hokkien but people lie okay?

And being thin isn't some kind of a weird disease. Just coz u aren't all that thin yourself, you have even less of a right to insult people. So what if i'm not very fat? That doesn't mean i'm unhealthy, For your information, i used to jog every Sunday.

And yeahhhh, you annoy me. I'll stop. We are relatives after all and you're never gonna see this. =)

Obviously i'm bored to death here. There is seriously nothing to do. And thus i have been cam whore-ing O.O

I know. Shocking. But if you were in my shoes you'd do the same.

But now i'm really starting to admire all those people who cam whore a lot. It's so hard!! I mean, you have to get the right angle and all that kind of stuff. Plus, you have to be photogenic, which i obviously am not. I totally suck at taking pictures of myself, but if i don't, i'll be behind the camera the whole trip thanks to my relationship with Dookie, which is that of a girl and her one and only DSLR. The 500 D one, not the G11 that i first wanted. Thinking back, it must be really easy for Adeline to take pictures of herself. But then again, she's very photogenic >.<

So far the only thing i like here is the food. As always. We sat on a plane here and everyone keeps asking me why? Basically cause' if you drive it'll take a long time, my sister gets car sick and vomits a lot and i sit next to her, it's very hilly, jammed, wastes petrol and time so yeah... MAS solves the problem despite the fact that i've been on planes so much i can quote and do actions along with the safety instructions vid and crew, But still. =)

I guess i'll post some pictures soon. I still owe this blog and FB some Europe pics except for the fact that they might be gone forever thanks to my sister not backing it up properly and my computer crashing. I'm not that worried for now though as my dad probably saved it. Probably.

And memories are all we take with us when we leave and all that so... yeah. I don't need a photograph to remember all the things i've been through. I'll never forget that feeling. The feeling you get when you touch your fingertips to the tip of your face and breathe into it, the white vapour that mists your view when you speak or breathe.... The silliness you feel when you tilt your head to the sky and try to eat snow. Or even just seeing perfect, exquisite snowflakes melt on your hair..

I'm homesick for Europe again. I wish time would just rewind and go back to then. Everything felt perfect at that moment, even when i knew it wasn't...

So yeah. Pictures. I'm not photogenic so it depends on my mood really =.= Exams are coming and i am so gonna suck. I haven't studied and i'm not in the mood to. I guess maybe this time i'll finally know what getting a C feels like.

It's quite amazing how people fail actually. How can you fail? you have to wrong more than at least 30 questions to. I find it quite cool actually but i don't think i really want to try xD

Well, signing off. I want my dream, blogskin. I love you, Bill, but this skin just reminds me of a ton of things i regret and can't wait to forget. Basically, a total mistake.

I hate you and you hate me
But i can't help wondering how things turned out this way